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    · 美国英格索兰
    · 制氧机、制氮机
    · 空压机系统维保耗材
    · 压缩空气净化设备
    · 压缩空气系统设备维修配件
    · 储气罐
    · 过滤器滤芯大全
    · 通润牧风永磁变频空压机
    所属类别:过滤器滤芯大全 曼牌滤芯  
    产品应用:产品广泛应用于燃煤、燃机电厂、钢铁、石油、化工、机械、冶金、能源、电子、食品、制药、玻璃、炼焦制气、车辆、工程机械等领域。 Application: Product is widely used in coal-fired, gas turbine power plant, iron and steel, petroleum, chemicals, machinery, metallurgy, energy, electronics, food, pharmaceutical, glass, coke gas, vehicles, construction machinery and other fields. 产品特点:原始阻力≤250pa,原始滤清效率≥99.7%,寿命长,抗潮湿能力强。 Structural forms: cylindrical, single-side box-type flange, W-type filter, chip, bag, shutter-style, frame type, etc. 结构形式:圆柱式、单法兰方箱式、W型过滤器、片式、袋式、卷帘式、板框式等。 Structural forms: cylindrical, single-side box-type flange, W-type filter, chip, bag, shutter-style, frame type and so on. 技术参数:1、粗效、中效、高效滤器,精密过滤器过滤精度从0.22um-100um 2、玻璃纤维滤芯精度从0.01um-150um Technical parameters: 1, crude efficiency, in effect, high efficiency, precision filter, filter precision from 0.22um-100um 2, thaccuracy of glass fiber filter from the 0.01um-150um.

    气过滤器:First, air filter


    Application:Product is widely used in coal-fired, gas turbine power plant, iron and steel, petroleum, chemicals, machinery, metallurgy, energy, electronics, food, pharmaceutical, glass, coke gas, vehicles, construction machinery and other fields.


    Structural forms:cylindrical, single-side box-type flange, W-type filter, chip, bag, shutter-style, frame type, etc.


    Structural forms:cylindrical, single-side box-type flange, W-type filter, chip, bag, shutter-style, frame type and so on.

    技术参数:1、粗效、中效、高效滤器,精密过滤器过滤精度从0.22um100um  2、玻璃纤维滤芯精度从0.01um150um
    Technical parameters:1, crude efficiency, in effect, high efficiency, precision filter, filter precision from 0.22um-100um 2, the accuracy of glass fiber filter from the 0.01um-150um.



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